Nature & Discovery-Based Education For Children of All Ages

Educational Programs & Camps

Community Events

Connecting to the Joy of Nature

Our mission is to instill children of all ages with a deep respect for the environment; a strong understanding of sustainable farming, and a love for the natural world.

We believe all children deserve a relationship with nature, which shapes their mental health and wellness, how they interact with others, and builds self-confidence.

At Connnolly Ranch children lead their own discovery in nature with guidance from our educators and established curriculum, becoming dynamic learners, mindful leaders, and divergent thinkers.

Connolly Ranch Greeting Card Series!

Teacher Cordie, our Parent-Child Lead, is a beloved educator and an artist. She has made our farm animals stars by creating a Connolly Ranch greeting card series. Her cards capture our farm animals' lovable personalities and characteristics.

The cards are at Napa Bookmine,  Jeffries General Store, Color Theory Art Supply , and Juniper Station in downtown Napa.

Make sure to stop by and pick one (or a few) up!

Inspire the next generation of environmental stewards.

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Weekend Visits!

Come experience the Connolly Ranch magic through our Sunday Farm Open Houses!